There was an interview on BBC Coventry and Warwickshire Radio on 27th August. Kate Pittel was interviewed by Phil Upton on the CWR breakfast show.
To hear the interview please click this link. She’s on at 1.52.30.
Kate argues that there should be NO change at all to the current three Dog Orders that apply to Warwick Common, Newbold Common in Leamington and Abbey Fields in Kenilworth. Phil Upton reminded listeners of the uproar that was caused in 2011 when the current Dog Orders were introduced.
Warwick District Council were invited to debate on the programme but refused, issuing the same statement that has been sent to all Councillors to answer the multitude of questions that they are receiving.
If you feel strongly about this issue, please contact your councillor to give your opinion.
If you wish to make any comments on Facebook the FoSML link is here.