The WDC officer concerned contacted the Kennel Club for comment about the Dog Walking orders transfer to PSPO. This was reported in the video meeting that many members viewed. Now Kennel Club have started a petition as they consider the use of the governments PSPO legislation is excessive.
Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) are legislative tools that are designed to deal with a particular nuisance or problem in a specific area which is ‘detrimental to the local community’s quality of life’.
Warwick District Council (WDC) are responsible for making and enforcing PSPOs. However, it is essential that they aim to keep public spaces welcoming to law abiding people – such as responsible dog owners – and communities, and not simply to restrict access.
If you wish to support Kennel Club, please sign their Facebook petition. The link is below. The issue will return at St Marys lands – it is just a matter of time, so having the Kennel Club support our position is a great benefit and hopefully the appropriate people will listen to them.
The home office position is:-
“The Home Office strongly recommends that the council engages in ‘an open and public consultation to give the users of the public space the opportunity to comment on whether the proposed restrictions are appropriate, proportionate, or needed at all’.
FoSML are willing to be a part of such open and public consultation and will represent the interests of all members -both dog owners and ramblers.