The WDC Executive meeting will consider proposals on 17th November to further restrict ramblers and dog owners on St Marys Lands. The public reaction on social media including a 6000 plus named petition resulted in the delaying of the changes in dog control orders but WDC have found a way to do exactly the same thing! Blame the birds! The poor ground nesting birds have been fed well on £500 of feed over the last year and they like it. WDC are duty bound to restrict ramblers and dog walkers to ensure the nesting birds are OK. The Act of Parliament that gives rights to access the St Marys Lands does not mention birds, only people. The Friends of St Marys Lands representative attended a working group meeting that is quoted as approving the proposals. The timing of the agenda resulted in the representative being unable to discuss with FoSML members to make a consolidated response. Technology issues also prevented him from putting FoSML other proposals for discussion. Ramble on whilst you can.